John Barnes
Nov 14, 2018

Mosaic tribute to the Marvelous Stan Lee

The creator of Spider-Man died on November 12, 2018. Add your photo to the mosaic and honor his great work.
Instagram your photo with #stanlee_at_unitecom hashtag to join the mosaic
It was a really sad day for Marvel comics fans all over the world, when Stan Lee, the legendary creator of the world-famous superheroes, has passed away at the age of 95.

Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Hulk, Iron Man, Captain America, X-men, and many many more. We all have been growing up with these superheroes.

Let's pay our respects to Stan Lee and say great big thanks for our happy childhood and superheros we all love.

Mosaic details

Show original pic
Original dimensions:1920x1080px
Mosaic dimensions:61440x34560px
Min/max cell size:256/1024px
Total number of cells:18060
Filled cells:1% (182 out of18060)


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